Benzoin DiluteDpg 50ml

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Product Details

Latin Name : Styrax Benzoin
Part Of Plant Used : Resin
Source : Philippines
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation

The benzoin resin is antifungal, anti-spasmodic, an…

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Latin Name : Styrax Benzoin
Part Of Plant Used : Resin
Source : Philippines
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation

The benzoin resin is antifungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and a mild expectorant. It regenerates the skin and is an excellent healing agent. At the psychic level, it is relaxing, reassuring and anxiolytic. Internally, benzoin can be used against coughing. 

It helps uplift your spirit and is comforting when lonely, sad, alienated, depressed and bereaved.

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