Nikwax Cleaning Fabric Leather Proof Set One size

Sold By: Outdoor and Country
Price: £12.99
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The perfect combination for cleaning and adding water repellence to your shoes and boots, the Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof™ is an essential product! These easy to use, …
Adult Unisex
Shoe Care Kits
300 Ml

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The perfect combination for cleaning and adding water repellence to your shoes and boots, the Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof™ is an essential product! These easy to use, spray on liquids are water based and will add waterproofing to your leather and fabric footwear with ease. These products will also maintain support, texture and the breathability of all combination footwear, to keep it at its best for longer. Recommended for your everyday waterproof footwear, as well as Gore-Tex® and eVENT®, these products can be applied by hand, and do not contain any aerosols, flammable or hazardous chemical or materials, making it safe to keep in your home.

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